There are mainly four different types of tissues present in our body. Muscle tissues are bundles of muscle fibers. Epithelial Types The Structure And Formation Of Different Types Of Epithelial T Affiliate Struc Tissue Types Loose Connective Tissue Integumentary System Epithelial- provides covering or lining. . The organs in your body are composed of four basic types of tissue including. Muscle tissue is composed of cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body parts. This tissue consists of multiple layers of epithelial cells which can contract. Tissue in physiology a level of organization in multicellular organisms. It lines the body cavities. In slide 29 and slide 176 this type of epithelium lines the luminal mucosal surface of the small and large intestines respectively. Wound Tissue Types. Muscular- helps in movement. Epithelial cells travel from th